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Wonder: Place-Based Learning: Challenges Point the Way to Growth

by Coordinated by Kirsten Haugen on behalf of NACC
July/August 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/wonder-place-based-learning-challenges-point-the-way-to-growth/5026090/

 *Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


“It is the struggle during the storm that helps a young tree develop resilience. And so it is with human beings, for we are a part of nature.”
 – Nancy Rosenow

“We believe that regular connections with nature encourage children to develop respect for local cultures and climates, and for themselves as a part of nature.”
—NACC’s Universal Principles for Connecting Children           
with Nature,

Most of us, as caring, caregiving humans, feel a deep urge to protect children from harm, and to give all children a universal chance to learn and grow. Unchallenged, protection easily slips into overprotection and universal opportunities become confused with uniform approaches. The pandemic has indeed ripped many of us from our comfort zones. Yes, we are tired. And yes, we have risen up, sometimes repeatedly. Along the way, many of us have discovered or rediscovered or affirmed a more responsive form of education: growth happens when children participate in addressing challenges rather than being overly shielded from them. And when learning relies on local circumstances and resources, we recognize that quality is ...

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